
Every champion, every happily successful person, and every stress-free parent has orderliness and efficiency through maintaining a clean environment.


The body and brain are both at least 75% water. Every person who is active in mind or body or both requires ample hydration. I recommend 3-6 L daily (or more, if you feel the thirst).


Every champion feels a sense of freedom. Winners aren’t always millionaires, but they have an awareness that there is a choice with their current space, time, and money. The consciousness of choice is abundance. Money, space, and time are integral thereof.


Champions are conscious of their breath and they practice connectedness to their breath, which fuels their movement, and manages their emotions so that they can operate optimally.


Activity does not require pain, gains, or aesthetic reward. Whilst the former is beneficial for some goals, it’s not the goal of all activity. Playing is simply activity in movement.


You are the sum of the people you’re with most. Whomever you’re around will determine the things you’ll do and places you’ll go. You are a product of your environment.


Champions are human beings, with human lives, that will always contain human challenges. The CHAMPION understands that there is growth to be had in all circumstances, and they are conscious of the opportunity to grow, no matter what the conditions are.


Nourishing the body and mind are imperative. Choosing delicious foods (your palette needs nourishment, too!) with nutrients, vitamins, and rich cellular stimulation will support your strength and efficiency in all areas of life.

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